How To Apply Nail Polish?

Intended to make your nails look beautiful as a cosmetic product. Makeup that complements nail Polish is one of the important points. Colors add beauty to your nails with integrity helps. Your hands beautiful and well-groomed cut your nails properly to make it look beautiful and mitigation is required. Nails grow faster torpulenen periodically. A nail file is made from the edges toward the center must make application by moving in the same direction. Healthy nails nail Polish has application to more effective results.

Nails nail Polish to prepare, first, wash your hands, you should get any moisture with a towel. A protective base before applying nail Polish nail colors you create your shine against a difficult saying. Choose the color nail Polish the nail Polish and then start your ride.

Neither too less nor too much while I paint your nails, do not take the nail Polish brush. More nail Polish brush, if the edges of the nail design and nail Polish made a bad image. After applying one coat full of color after the emergence and the average 2-3 minutes apply a second coat can make you more likely. More ice water to dry your nail Polish quickly, you can apply the method. For this, a bowl of ice water for 1-2 minutes and your hands should be soaked in this water. Your nail Polish dries, it appear brighter if you want to apply a transparent shine. Easy to remove from your nails, dark nail Polish with quotes around it in order to infect the nails and you can take or olive oil.

Aerate your nails regularly. Every day is your last week of nail Polish, your nails ojesiz in a way leave to rest every 2 days. Your fingernails peroxide, baking soda and warm water should be soaked in water for 1 minute by making them blend made with your nails. In this way, a stronger, more vibrant nails after applying the nail Polish you have and it will be possible to achieve the desired results.