How To Care For Skin While Wearing A Mask?

  • We have to wear masks almost every day, perhaps for hours. Psychologically, we may be used to this process, but our skin may not be as fast as us. There are a few simple rules to follow when wearing a mask to protect your skin.

FIRST MOISTURIZER THEN MASK • After wearing a mask for a long time, your skin may be stuffy, your pores may become blocked and these can cause acne formation. For this reason, you should pay more attention to your skin care and choose products suitable for your skin type. It is enough to use moisturizers and cleansers instead of thick creams that will peel your skin or cause clogging of pores.

TAKE A TIME TO WEAR A MASK If you have to wear a mask all day, change your mask at least every four hours and let your skin rejuvenate outdoors for 15 minutes. If you are using a fabric mask, remember that they do not provide medical protection first and wash after each use. You can wash it in hot water, by hand or in the machine, with unscented and hypoallergenic detergent.

DON’T FORGET YOUR LIPS • You can also apply the care you need to do while wearing your mask to prevent your lips from drying out and cracking as the weather cools. Apply Vaseline or lip balm after cleansing your skin and before putting on your mask.

STOP MAKING MAKEUP • It is very difficult to make up skin and lips, and try not to spoil that make-up while wearing a mask. Yes, wearing makeup can be a great feeling, but you can postpone it while using a mask. Just wearing eye makeup can be an alternative. Do wonders with mascara, eyeshadow and eyeliner!

WATCH OUT FOR NEW PRODUCTS • If you need to wear masks for long hours, you should be a little more careful when trying new skin products because they can cause irritation. Especially save skin-peeling products for later! If your skin is already irritated, you can try to reduce the products you use.