How To Eliminate The Yellowing Of Toilet Bowls And Sinks?

  • How to eliminate yellowing in toilet bowls and sinks?

The question is one of the questions that many people have encountered. Yellowing of toilet bowl or sink yellowing causes a bad appearance. Yellowing occurs on toilet bowls and sinks that are frequently used during the day. Yellowing is inevitable, especially in sinks and toilets used by more than one person. So how to eliminate the yellowing? Here are the most important points to be aware of when cleaning the sink…

  • You can use some detergent (liquid soap, surface cleaner, bleach, etc.) and a sponge or brush to clean the yellowed sink. You can first wipe the area you washed with boiling water, then with bleach and a sponge. In the meantime, you should not forget to protect your mouth and hands. You should rinse the yellowed sink with plenty of water afterwards. If you repeat this process 3-4 times a week, you can avoid the yellowing of the sink.
  • If black or yellow stains appear in the sink, you can remove them with a toothpaste. First, you should wipe the stained area where you poured boiling water, then squeeze toothpaste with a sponge.
  • Another natural auxiliary product in sink cleaning is carbonate. If you apply a mixture of baking soda and hot water to the stained area, you can see the stains soften.
  • HOW TO MAKE THE WRAPPED WC SEAT WHITE? Toilet seat covers are usually plastic and may turn yellow. You can use alcohol, vinegar or baking soda to whiten the yellowed toilet seat. However, in terms of hygiene, it would be more correct to replace the toilet seat with a new one.
  • HOW often SHOULD THE TOILET BE CLEANED? You should try to clean your toilet as often as possible. However, when someone in your home is sick, full disinfection is required every two to three days. Except during flu season, cleaning once a week or every two weeks will be sufficient, depending on how often the toilet is used.