How to Get Rid of Blackheads, According to Skincare Pros and Dermatologists

Deep blackheads on your nose? No problem for these remedies.


While all pimples are no fun, blackheads can be some of the most annoying to deal with: They are abundant, hard to hide, and just keep coming back. And with maskne on the rise, blackheads seems to be popping up even more lately.

But before you get your fingers in position to squeeze, step away from the mirror and keep reading. We interviewed top dermatologists about the cause of blackheads and how to remove them in various ways ( including at home, both instantly and overnight) and in different places, from your nose, cheeks, back, and more. Plus, our experts share their favorite blackhead-busting ingredients and products.

What exactly are blackheads?

“Blackheads, which are medically known as open comedones, are pores that are filled with oil or sebum, debris, and dead skin cells. The oily mixture sits at the surface opening of the pore, where it gets oxidized by air and turns to a black or gray color.

While it’s often assumed that the black material is trapped dirt, “it has nothing to do with cleanliness.Blackheads and whiteheads are typically the earliest signs of acne, explains. The main difference between them is that blackheads appear dark due to the pores being open, while “whiteheads are closed comedones, meaning that the surface of the plugged follicle is covered by a thin layer of skin, creating a lighter color,” she says.

What causes blackheads?

Blackheads have many underlying causes.”They are most commonly seen in puberty, when hormones lead to the increased production of sebum or oil and the pore gets clogged,” she explains. “Hormones may also fluctuate and cause blackheads during monthly menstruation, pregnancy, and in those with polycystic ovarian syndrome or other hormonal syndromes where there is an excess of androgens.” Other factors may include taking steroids, wearing tight clothing and hats or helmets when sweating (think athletes), and from using thick and occlusive creams or oil-based products that can clog pores.

“Genetics can also play a role in the appearance of blackheads. Meaning if your siblings or parents are prone to blackheads, chances are you may be too. “Pore size is determined by genetics and those with larger pores are more prone to having blackheads.”