How To Get Rid Of Blackheads On Nose

Try pore strips to get rid of blackheads on your nose.

Pore strips like Bioré Original Deep Cleansing Pore Strips adhere to the nose skin, and as they dry, the adhesive attaches to oil, sebum, and dead skin cells, which are removed when the strip is taken off, They can be irritating, though, so proceed with caution if you have sensitive skin or rosacea. If you’re prone to blackheads on the nose,  also suggests regularly using a cleanser or serum with salicylic acid on this area and getting a professional facial with manual extractions.

Use a medicated cleanser to nix blackheads on your back and body.

For blackheads on the back, “I recommend using a benzoyl peroxide face or body wash in the shower daily”Let it sit on skin for a minute or two before washing off.” She recommends trying a formula that contains 5% benzoyl peroxide to start, then moving to a higher percentage if your skin can tolerate it without irritation. If benzoyl peroxide is too drying, apply a salicylic acid wash instead, suggests.

Another option: Before bed, spread a thin coat of a retinoid gel or cream on the area, starting with every other night to prevent irritation. If you can’t reach your back, get someone to help you apply the cream or try a back lotion applicator. For more stubborn blackheads, visit a dermatologist: suggests a Jessner peel, which contains a mix of alpha and beta hydroxy acids to deeply exfoliate skin and treat acne.

Be gentle with blackheads on your cheeks.

If you have blackheads on your cheeks, “remember that this skin will be a bit drier and perhaps more sensitive to retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, or salicylic acid than other spotsYou can use these ingredients, but in smaller quantities so the skin doesn’t dry out or get irritated.

Be wary of DIY blackhead removal hacks.

A PSA from our dermatologist pros: Though much talked-about on the internet, toothpaste is not an effective blackhead treatment— it’s too harsh and drying on skin.

Call your dermatologist for deep blackheads.

“For those super deep blackheads, you should see a dermatologist or esthetician, as they have special tools that can safely extract the gunk trapped in your pores,” “Do not attempt to remove these yourself, as this can cause trauma and scarring of your skin.”

How can I prevent blackheads from forming?

While you can’t get rid of blackheads permanently (sorry!), you can maintain a consistent skincare routine incorporating the tips above to prevent future pimples from popping up. Always remove your makeup at night and wash your face twice daily. Make sure to address any underlying hormonal issues if possible, and eliminate any thick, occlusive creams, makeup, or hair products if you think they may be an underlying cause.

Don’t skip moisturizing completely, though, as it’s important for all skin types— just make sure to choose a formula that is oil-free and non-comedogenic, like Good Housekeeping Seal star Neutrogena Oil-Free Facial Moisturizer, to prevent pore clogging.