How to Inspire Home Decoration from Women Who Are Iconic with Their Styles?

The home is the center of life. Most people reflect their style and character by decorating their home in a special way. Many women, who have become an icon today with their styles, know this fact deeply. At this point, it should be noted that there are many concepts that you will learn from many famous names that exist with their own styles and that you will be inspired by them for home decoration. The content we have compiled for you; It also offers you the elements you need to discover about home decoration.


We all know the singer and actress Beyonce now. Beyonce pays attention to home decoration ; creating a spacious and minimal concept in his own home, he generally preferred white colors. The minimal concept that offers a traditional and solution-oriented suggestion to decoration ideas that are in chaos today and without color integrity; offers a design idea that you can apply in your homes.


Who comes to mind first when we say “Queen of the Crazy” or “Roman Holiday”? Of course Audrey Hepburn ! Hepburn became a style icon for women especially after World War II ; created a different concept by blending classical and modern lines at home decoration point. It is possible to create an original decoration in your own home by mixing different concepts correctly.


Jennifer Aniston , spoken with the clothes she chooses at the award ceremonies and has her own style ; he preferred to arrange his own living space in a concept suitable for the stone house in home decoration. The decoration design, which attracts attention with its wide furniture and lighting preferences, is a choice that suits Aniston’s iconic style.


Marilyn Monroe became one of the celebrities who created the figure of the “strong and charming woman” and became an icon that shook the USA and then the whole world. The first person that comes to mind when you think of the USA of the 1950s, Monroe; draws attention with its choices that combine naturalness with a concept resembling a farmhouse at home decoration point.