How To Lighten Freckles

Natural Remedies And Treatment Options


You may have noticed the appearance of dark or light circular spots on your face, neck, and arms-on exposure to sunlight. These are freckles. Most freckles are harmless spots that are formed due to the overproduction of melanin.

What Causes Freckles?

The development of freckles is primarily attributed to exposure to sunlight and a possible genetic predisposition to developing freckles

Our skin produces melanin on exposure to UV radiation from the sun or tanning lights. This then leads to the over-deposition of melanin in one spot, which causes freckles. Freckles occur mostly in people with blonde or red hair, fair skin, and light-colored eyes.

Note:Freckles do not form without exposure to sunlight. If you observe their appearance on parts of your body that are not exposed to sunlight, it may be a sign of malignant skin cancer. Seek medical help immediately in such cases.

There are several treatment options available to diminish the appearance of freckles, pigment lasers, and chemical peels. But if you want to try some home remedies to lighten freckles, you can read about them below.

Do note that the effectiveness of these remedies depends on your skin type and genetics. Also, always do a patch test before applying any of these ingredients to your face.

Note: These remedies are not scientifically proven to eliminate freckles directly. If you are sensitive to certain ingredients, do not go ahead with the recipe.