How To Make Ginger Breadboy Knitting | Free Pattern

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Today we are going to examine closely “Ginger Breadboy Knitting Free Pattern

It’s difficulty level is over-intermediate but with Cocador  its going to be easy and fun.


Introduction Before Jump In Knitting


  • CO cast on
  • dpn double pointed needle
  • K knit
  • st stitch
  • sts stitches
  • M1 make one stitch (see special note below)
  • K2tog knit two stitches together
  • pm place a stitch marker
  • sm slip the stitch marker
  • PU pick up (create) a new stitch from existing work


Materials Required

Worsted weight yarn – about 90 yards
Size 4 double pointed needles
Darning needle
4 stitch markers
Embellishments of your choosing

Special Note
M1 = make one stitch: Lift the right “leg” of the next stitch (the right side of the stitch directly
below the next stitch on your left needle), place it on the left needle, then knit it as you would any
other stitch.


Body and Legs

  • CO 30 sts onto 3 dpns and work the following rounds:
  • 1) K5, pm, K5, pm, K10, pm, K5, pm, K5
  • 2) (K to 1 st before marker, M1, K1, sm, M1) repeat to last few sts after marker, K to end
  • 3) K all sts
    Repeat rounds 2 and 3 until there are a total of 86 sts separated between the markers as
    12 – 19 – 24 – 19 – 12. End after a plain K round, then work the rounds below removing the stitch
    markers as you reach them on round 1:

    • 1) K12, slip the next 19 sts onto a piece of scrap yarn, K24, slip the next 19 sts onto a piece
      of scrap yarn, K12 (48 sts)
    • 2) K all sts
    • 3) K11, M1, K2, M1, K22, M1, K2, M1, K11
    • 4) K all sts
    • 5) K12, M1, K2, M1, K24, M1, K2, M1, K12 (56 sts)
    • 6-13) K all sts
    • 14) K28, slip the next 28 sts onto a piece of scrap yarn, CO 2 sts (30 sts)
    • 15-35) K all sts
    • 36) (K1, K2tog) repeat to end of round
    • 37) K all sts
    • 38) (K2tog) repeat to end of round

Cut yarn, insert end into a darning needle, and thread through remaining live sts. Pull tightly closed and
secure. Place the 28 sts from the other leg onto 3 dpns. Knit across all of them, then CO 2 sts, and
repeat rounds 15-38 above.

To seam hole between the legs, turn your Gingerbread Boy inside out and hold sides of hole together.
Make one seam from front to back (or back to front). Turn right side out again.



Place 19 sts from one of the arms onto 3 dpns. PU 2 sts between needles 1 and 3 at bottom of
arm, then work the following rounds:

  • 1-10) K all sts
  • 11) (K1, K2tog) repeat to end of round
  • 12) K all sts
  • 13) (K2tog) repeat to end of round

Cut yarn, insert end into a darning needle, and thread through remaining live sts. Pull tightly closed and
secure. Place the 19 sts from the other arm onto 3 dpns. PU 2 sts as above, and work rounds 1-13.
Darn small holes beneath the arms.


Beginning just to the right of the first CO st, (center of your Gingerbread Boy’s chest), PU 30 sts (1 in
each of the original CO sts) and work the following rounds:

  • 1) K all sts
  • 2) K7, M1, K2, M1, K12, M1, K2, M1, K7
  • 3) K all sts
  • 4) K8, M1, K2, M1, K14, M1, K2, M1, K8
  • 5) K all sts
  • 6) K9, M1, K2, M1, K16, M1, K2, M1, K9
  • 7-14) K all sts
  • 15) K7, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K16, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K7
  • 16) K all sts
  • 17) K6, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K14, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K6
  • 18) K all sts
  • 19) K5, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K12, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K5
  • 20) K all sts
  • 21) K4, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K10, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K4
  • 22) K3, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K8, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K3
  • 23) K2, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K6, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K2
  • 24) K1, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K4, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K1

Cut yarn, insert end into a darning needle, and thread through remaining live sts. Do not pull closed yet.
Stuff your Gingerbread Boy beginning at the bottom of his legs and working upward to top of head.
Pull closed and secure. Use a dpn to help spread the stuffing out evenly throughout his body, and to the
ends of the arms and legs.

Now for the fun part!

Your Gingerbread Boy can be embellished using any materials you like. This is a chance to show off
your creativity! Buttons, rickrack, ribbon, etc. can be sewn on, or attached with a tiny bit of hot glue. You
can embroider your Gingerbread Boy with scrap yarn, or even try some fabric paint. Have fun!