How to Paint Interior Walls Like a Pro

Painting your walls might seem like the most elemental home remodeling task, a project that amateurs can perform just as easily as professionals. While interior painting does not rise to the level of skill-heavy jobs like electrical work or plumbing, not everything about painting is abundantly obvious. Over the years, professional painters develop certain procedures that make their jobs go faster, look better, and finish cleaner. By adopting professional painters’ methods and insider tricks, you too can turn out a fantastic wall paint project.

Tips For Painting Interior Walls

If you need work done quickly and flawlessly, you can always opt to use a professional painter. But if you have time and you want to learn to paint like a pro, follow these tips.

Use Top-Quality Paint

Purchasing low-quality paint seems like a money-saving idea on paper, but not so much when it’s on the wall. Poor paint requires multiple coats and it might still end up peeling and chipping. Because interior walls are so visible, many homeowners find it worthwhile to buy top-quality paint, even when the price is higher.

Use Wider Roller Covers

Speed up your paint time by using wider roller frames and covers. The most popular width on the consumer market is 12 inches because it is easier to handle. Many painters even use a 9-inch wide roller frame and cover. But if you are strong enough, using an 18-inch roller will considerably speed up your painting. If you are painting many walls, it will be worth it to use a larger roller. But for just one or two walls, use a conventional 9-inch or 12-inch roller.

Use Masking Film

Professional painters often use plastic masking film to cover adjacent walls, ceilings, and windows. Static electricity holds this ultra-thin plastic to the surface. Some masking film comes with an attached edge of painter’s tape.

Use a Canvas or Fabric Drop Cloth

Plastic sheeting is fine for covering furniture and other areas where you will not be walking. But for underfoot, a canvas drop cloth provides a more solid place to stand. In addition, a canvas or fabric drop cloth can be reused.

Learn the Cut-In Technique

While taping the edges with painter’s tape is effective, professional painters tend to use the freehand cutting-in method. This tape-free procedure requires a steady hand and a trim brush to draw a smooth band of paint.

Remove Obstructions
Remove as many items and pieces of furniture you can from the room you are painting. By removing as many items as possible, you’ll have more room to do a better job of painting.
With the correct screwdriver, remove light switch plates, outlet plates, pictures, hanging hooks or nails, and hooks for towels or clothes. After the plates have been removed, place tape over the remaining switches and outlets to avoid slopping paint on them.

Tape Around Large Obstructions
Some wall obstructions, such as trim, require too much time and effort to remove and later replace. Or you may cause damage to the walls by removing them. Unless you are making extensive whole-room remodels, you may find it easier to mask off baseboards, crown molding, or trim around windows and doors.