How to Remove Mustard Stains from Clothes, Carpets, Upholstery

Mustard is the number one condiment on hot dogs and sausages in America and a very popular flavoring in dishes from mustard glazed salmon to potato salad. No matter how you like your mustard – yellow, brown, spicy or mild – the stains can be difficult to remove. 

How to Remove Mustard Stains from Washable Clothes

Mustard stains are caused by the yellow pigment in the mustard seeds or the turmeric added to most commercial mustard recipes. The yellow pigment can actually dye fibers so it is important to remove the stain as quickly as possible.

First begin by removing any mustard solids remaining on the stained fabric using a spoon, blunt knife or even the edge of a credit card. Skip the swipe with a paper napkin because it will only rub the stain deeper into the fibers and make it harder to remove. After removing the solids, blot the area with a white cloth or paper towel dipped in plain water. This won’t remove the stain but it will dilute the mustard until you can properly remove the stain.

As soon as possible, sponge the stain with a bit of plain rubbing alcohol or non-sudsing household ammonia and rinse well. If some stain remains, treat the stained area with a solvent-based stain remover spray or gel-like Zout or Shout or Spray ‘n Wash.