How to Wear Heeled Shoes?

High-heeled shoes make women look more elegant and taller, as well as a sense of confidence and elegance when worn beautifully and correctly. High-heeled shoes, which are the most important accessories that increase the beauty and attractiveness of women, can also cause a bad walk and appearance when not used correctly.


1- In order to take comfortable and safe steps throughout the day, always take care to buy a shoe suitable for your foot size. In general, this mistake is made a lot. Not having the shoe size they want or being narrow or abundant according to the foot type due to the shape of the shoe can cause women to choose the wrong shoes.


2- Heel size and shape are very important. High heels with a flat heel will cause all your weight to be loaded on a single point and your feet will hurt. If you want to be more comfortable and pain-free during the day, choose prone high heels instead of flat heels.


3- You will buy a different heel, wear it where you bought it, and take a walk around the store.


4- No matter how comfortable your shoes are, standing on high heels all day will damage your feet.