Ice Crystals Sublimate

Sheet tray of fresh, uncooked dumplings.
To freeze, place fresh dumplings on a rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment paper or on a large plate dusted with a little flour or cornstarch. Place the entire tray of dumplings into the freezer uncovered and let them rest until fully frozen, about half an hour, then transfer the frozen dumplings to a zipper-lock freezer bag and squeeze out as much air as possible, seal the bag, and store the dumplings for up to two months.

Freezer burn is caused when ice crystals sublimate—that is, they transform directly from ice into water vapor, skipping the water phase entirely. Sublimation can be controlled by limiting the amount of airflow around the dumplings. As standard zipper-lock bags are actually breathable (air can pass very slowly through the plastic), they aren’t great for long term freezer storage. It’s important that you use a zipper-lock freezer bag, which is made of thicker plastic and designed to prevent freezer burn. Alternatively, use a standard zipper-lock bag followed by a tight wrap in two layers of aluminum foil. This will effectively block air flow to the dumplings.