If You Read This You Can Protect Your Hair In Cold Weather

Washing your hair frequently, like hot water, purifies them of their natural oil and can irritate the scalm. Therefore, you should put 2-3 days between your hair washing routine. If your hair is greasy, you can get through this period with support from dry shampoo.

Wet hair is more sensitive than dry hair and tends to wear out. So dry your hair before leaving your hair alone with the harsh weather conditions.

the weather is more despent than in the summer months. In addition, heaters used at home dry the air extra. This also causes your hair to dry and break more easily. You can indirectly care for your hair by taking air humidifiers for your environment.

The harsh conditions of cold winter days also pose a great threat to your delicate hair strands. Discover the care guide you can apply for your hair, which is more prone to drying, breaking, fraying in winter.

Apply weekly moisturism sessions for hair that dries faster, such as your skin, in cold weather. Restore health to your hair with night care masks or quick cures.

Oil-based hair care products barrier between cold air and hair strands in winter and also moisturize hair quite well. That’s why you can apply hair care oil after each bath, sometimes even dry hair.

Showers with hot water take away the natural oil of the hair and scalp, but also weaken the barrier of hot water hair strands. So wash your hair with warm water and rinse with cold water. Reduce hair damage by choosing your shampoos from moisturizing products.

Barrier with a hat between your hair and wind, cold weather and harsh winter conditions. Thus, the debilitating effect of climatic conditions will not be able to reach the hair. You can prevent the damage of the hat surface to the hair by putting a silk piece of fabric in the hat you are using.

Did you know that 25% of a strand of hair consists of water? In winter we think less about drinking water due to cool weather. However, in order for both the skin and hair to maintain the optimum humid ratio, it is required to drink plenty of water. Especially in the dryer winter climate!