Is There A Dıfference Between Serum And Cream?

The method of application of eye creams and serums also differ due to their content and density. Before either product, clean your face with lukewarm water to eliminate environmental factors that affect all day long. If the water is too hot, you may damage the protective surface of your skin, so choose lukewarm water. After cleaning your hands and drying, you can apply the products. Eye Creams: Eye creams should be applied gently around the eyes. You can apply the cream by massaging it under your eyebrows and on your cheekbones. Be careful not to apply it too close to your eyes. The absorption time of eye creams can take up to 15 minutes, so do not use any other products to avoid affecting the process.

Eye Contour Serums: Put a pea-sized droplet on your hand and start massaging it around the eyes with your fingertips. Serums take 30-90 seconds to absorb so you can use your daily moisturizer after a short time. Since it has a light formula, you can apply eye serum twice a day.

tour creams will be a better choice for you. On the other hand, eye cream is suitable for mixed, oily or dry skin. Although it is generally preferred in the summer months, the mild formula serums are a more suitable option for oily skin with their oil-free feature. If you have a loss of moisture, you can go for creams or serums.