Istanbul Street Food Flavors

The best way to discover the culture and geography of a region is through its famous flavors. Especially the street food of the cities is a product of the combination of the taste of the society with the culture. In addition, pursuing street flavors acts as a door where you can see what life in the city would be like. Well, have you ever wondered which city is famous for which street food? Turkey Tourism Site I, the city forward with street flavor to your derledi.y exploring new places where we go not only famous buildings or squares, streets and we need to explore the delights of local cuisine. These delicacies, which we buy from the street stalls in the cities we visited and that we feed our stomach, have always been different. Well, which city is famous for which street food? The website invites you to explore cities famous for their street flavors.

There is a widespread street food culture in Istanbul, but the street flavor most identified with the city is wet hamburger. Another favorite flavor of Istanbul is fish bread. It is not possible to come to Istanbul and not eat fish and bread in EminönĂ¼! Stuffed mussels are a street flavor that follows these two flavors. Mussels stuffed a taste of many of the city’s most vibrant streets but in Turkey you will find the taste of eating in Istanbul’s happening in a different one. You can forget how many mussels you eat with plenty of lemon at the mussel counter. Of course, while strolling through the streets of Istanbul, you should definitely taste kokorec, shambali and donuts for dessert.