Italian Pasta Day

Special delicious recipes from Gastronometro chefs for World Pasta Day
Metro site realized in Turkey, Turkey’s first chef’s gastronomic discovery platform Gastronometro October 25th is World Pasta Day special share with their heart full of flavor pasta recipes chefs.

Here are the delicious recipes that pasta lovers will not get enough of and will be brought to the table by the heartfelt chefs, including the green lentil pasta alternative:

World Pasta Day has been celebrated on October 25 every year since 1998. This special day, which is celebrated to emphasize the importance of pasta, which allows people to be fed with economic, healthy and delicious meals with its carbohydrate and protein values, is celebrated with great pleasure by pasta lovers every year.

Turkey’s first gastronomic discovery platform implemented within Gastronometro Metro Turkey’s chefs will cheer heartily on this special day for the chefs table and both Turkish and international cuisine prepared from the special products to share their delicious recipes.

Dry seyit tomato penne arrabbiata (10 PERSON)

Metro Chef Penne 1.000 gr,Seyit tomato 250 gr,Basil 250 gr,Butter 100 gr,Olive oil 50 ml,Salt 5 gr,Black pepper 5 gr,Parmesan 50 gr,Pine nuts 10 g,Tomato 150 gr

Olive oil and salt are added to boiling water.
The pastas are added and boiled until al dente consistency and filtered. Add oil to a pot and add the peeled and chopped tomatoes, boil until it becomes a sauce. The sauce is flavored with salt and pepper.
Seyit tomatoes are cut in half, garlic, salt, white pepper and olive oil are added and dried in the oven at 80 degrees.
The pine nuts are roasted in the pan.
The boiled pastas are mixed with the sauce, and the seeds are added to the olive, pine nuts and basil leaves, and finally served with grated parmesan.