Kitchen Organization Tricks

Place Food in the Right Spot

Place rarely used items at the back or bottom of the fridge, and more frequently used items within easy reach. If you have a bunch of produce (or some other kind of food) that’s about to expire, put those items together and separate them from newer purchases. This way you will automatically use up the old eggs and vegetables before moving on to the fresh purchases.

In the freezer, put small items like a single bagel or a stick of butter in the freezer door, or a bin, so it doesn’t get lost under larger bags and boxes.

Organize With the Right Tools

As in kitchen cabinets, turntables help you to reach the items at the back of the fridge. Look for turntables with short walls on them to keep items from tumbling out into the fridge.

If you store a lot of food in containers, buy stackable ones of uniform size and shape. They’ll fit into the fridge and freezer in a way that uses less space than haphazardly stacking food in different packages.

Also look for specially shaped organizers for holding soda cans and other uniquely shaped items within your fridge to keep everything neat and maximize space, as well.

Make Shopping Lists

Keep paper for your shopping lists on the outside of the fridge. Use a magnetic pad or a few loose sheets of paper under a regular magnet. Magnetic holders for pens and other small items also come in handy.