Knitted Autumn Acorns and Leaves Free Pattern

With Cocador you will enjoy to learn knitting patterns which is one more beautiful than the other.

Today we’ll look at closer to Knitted Autumn Acorns and Leaves.



‣ Hayfield Bonus DK (double knitting/light
worsted weight), 100% Acrylic
‣ One 100g/280m skein in each shade
Leaves: (from left to right in photo above)
“Pumpkin”, “Fox” and “Grass”
Acorn cups: “Chocolate”
Acorn nuts: (from left to right in photo above)
“Moss Green” and “Oatmeal”
‣ You will only need a few grammes of each
colour to make the acorn and leaves, so this is an
ideal project to use up ends of yarn balls
‣ Tension 26 sts x 32 rows per 10 cm square


Needles & Notions

‣ A pair of 3.5 mm (US 4) single pointed needles,
minimum length 20 cm
‣ A darning or tapestry needle
‣ A small handful of toy filling or cotton wool balls
to stuff the acorns


‣ Each leaf is approximately 6.5 cm tall and the
acorn 3 cm tall



k Knit
k2tog Knit two stitches together (decrease)
kfb Knit into the front and back of the next
stitch (increase)
m1L Make 1 (left leaning increase). Bring the tip
of the left-hand needle under the strand
between stitches, from front to back. Knit
through the back of this loop.
m1R Make 1 (right leaning increase). Bring the
tip of the left-hand needle under the strand
between stitches, from back to front. Knit
this loop.

p Purl
p2tog Purl two stitches together (decrease)
RS Right side
st(s) Stitch(es)
WS Wrong side

Knitting Pattern



(Make 1 per acorn)
Start at the
bottom of the
acorn cup. Cast
on 8 sts in the
acorn cup yarn on
single pointed 3.5 mm needles using
the cable cast on.

Row 1 (WS): Knit.
Row 2 (RS): K1, (kfb) 6 times, k1. [14 sts]
Row 3: Knit.
Row 4: K1, (kfb, k1) 6 times, k1. [20 sts]
Row 5: Knit.
Break the working yarn and join the acorn nut yarn.
Row 6: Knit.
Row 7: Purl.
Row 8: K1, [k2tog, k4] 3 times, k1. [17 sts]
Row 9: Purl.
Row 10: K1, [k2tog, k3] 3 times, k1. [14 sts]
Row 11: Purl.
Row 12: (K2tog) 7 times. [7 sts]
Break the yarn leaving a 30 cm tail, thread the tail
onto a tapestry needle and thread through the
7 sts on the knitting needle, pulling them off the
needle and onto the yarn, and pull tight to gather


(Make 1 per leaf)
Start at the bottom edge.
Cast on 3 sts in the leaf
yarn on single pointed
3.5 mm needles using the
cable cast on.

Row 1 (RS): Knit.
Row 2 (WS): Purl.
Row 3: K1, m1R, k1, m1L, k1. [5 sts]
Row 4: Purl.
Row 5: K2, m1R, k1, m1L, k2. [7 sts]
Row 6: Purl.
Row 7: K3, m1R, k1, m1L, k3. [9 sts]
Row 8: Purl.
Row 9: K4, m1R, k1, m1L, k4. [11 sts]
Row 10: Purl.
Row 11: K5, m1R, k1, m1L, k5. [13 sts]
Row 12: P2tog, (p1, lift the 2nd stitch on the righthand
needle over the 1st stitch on the right-hand
needle) 2 times, purl to end. [10 sts]
Row 13: K2tog, (k1, lift the 2nd stitch on the righthand
needle over the 1st stitch on the right-hand
needle) 2 times, k2, m1R, k1, m1L, k3. [9 sts]
Row 14: Purl.
Row 15: K4, m1R, k1, m1L, k4. [11 sts]
Row 16: P2tog, (p1, lift the 2nd stitch on the righthand
needle over the 1st stitch on the right-hand
needle) 2 times, purl to end. [8 sts]

Row 17: K2tog, (k1, lift the 2nd stitch on the righthand
needle over the 1st stitch on the right-hand
needle) 2 times, k1, m1R, k1, m1L, k2. [7 sts]
Row 18: Purl.
Row 19: K3, m1R, k1, m1L, k3. [9 sts]
Row 20: P2tog, (p1, lift the 2nd stitch on the righthand
needle over the 1st stitch on the right-hand
needle) 2 times, purl to end. [6 sts]
Row 21: K2tog, (k1, lift the 2nd stitch on the righthand
needle over the 1st stitch on the right-hand
needle) 2 times, knit to end. [3 sts]
Row 22: P2tog, p1. [2 sts]
Row 23: K2tog. [1 stitch]
Bind off.


‣ For the leaves, block and weave in yarn tails on
the WS.
‣ For each acorn, use the cast off tail to sew the
side edges together stuffing as you sew, and
gather the cast on sts together at the base.
Leave the cast on tail dangling on the outside for
the acorn stalk, and trim to a few cm long.