Let’s Talk About Flavors

I seasoned these thick and juicy guys with the classic flavors of porchetta, the insanely iconic Italian pork roast that’s stuffed with rosemary, fennel, and herbs. To gild the lily I whipped up a quick salsa verde full of fresh herby lemon flavors. The green sauce and pork chops together are going to blow your mind.
To make the best pork chops, buy the right kind of chop
Thick cut pork chops for the win! The best pork chops for air fryer pork chops (or any pork chop in general) is a thick, center cut pork chop. They can be bone-in or boneless, but you want them thick! Thin pork chops cook too quickly and end up being dry. So if you love pork chops, get them thick, at least 1.5 to 2 inches thick.
Pork chop temp
The USDA recommends 145°F for pork chops.

How to make juicy pork chops
They key to making juicy pork chops is not over cooking them. Pork chops tend to be lean and have a very small margin for overcooking. USDA says that the safe temp for pork is 145°F which is a bit rosy and quite juicy. Most people are used to overcooked pork chops so they’re scared of pink. If you want juicy chops, invest in an instant read thermometer, cook your pork to 145°F (or even to 140° and let the carryover heat bring it up to temp) and you’ll never eat dry pork chops again. Don’t fear the pink!