Lipofilling Have Been Wondering About

For many of us, the unwanted and the oils that cause unhappiness in front of us to flourish as an option was presented. Which is stored in our oil experts said the youth.

In recent years scientists have discovered the different properties of fat tissue. Tap oil growth factors and hormones that are included thanks to one of them, a very important and it should be capable of repair. The ability to repair long attracted the attention of scientists investigating the secrets of life and to our many experiments performed on the oil. The cosmetic and aesthetic industry, then the industry oils for everyday use are included.

This what’s the process?

This process should not be confused with liposuction. The principal purpose in liposuction and fat are drawn from a very high percentage areas that collect oil refine, reduce, or shaping. However, the oil filler when it comes to these areas, a much smaller amount of fat is collected.

From our body fat, often is separated from the tissue fluids and blood by passing it through santrifruj process that contains it. Belly, buttocks, hips, or leg inner region of the oils in this process, the most preferred areas.

Thus, in a sense, is further purified fat tissue during this procedure. Afterwards, is injected into the desired areas. Because of, for example, enlarge our lips, cheek our bones and emphasizing under-eye bags in our camouflage make our face more symmetrical or asymmetric, which is more prominent to make the small chin can be made.

Where is it?

These processes necessarily, hospital and operating room environment must be made. Is a much simpler process as compared to other surgeries, fat injection, although it is not necessarily leave a trail cut anywhere and therefore precautions are taken under sterile conditions and anesthesia in a hospital setting should be done.

Fat fillings usually within the first month after the edema decreases swelling and edema in the area as creates to sustain the desired view is given. Fat permanence padding vary between individuals. Many studies shows that did not disappear completely even after years of fat fillings.

Oil fill what’s the alternative?

As you know “Filler” for synthetic products are used. Hyaluranik acid contained mostly in synthetic fillings in fact, of fluid between the tissues is produced in a laboratory environment. With fillings fillings compared to synthetic oil, there are differences. The duration and rate of persistence, fat fillings, and more. Very little in the risk of allergies in hyaluranik acids, taken from our own body is not for lipofilling.

Cost of application is done with the subject of the clinic where it will be difficult to compare the two fillers that will change. However, oil fill, that can be done at very high injection rates, considering always the same amount will be more economical compared with synthetic fill, we can say that lipofilling. Lipofilling may be paid long after a surgical intervention, because there is a risk of infection. Also rare, though the region have adapted to the anatomical padding in fat due to the inability to put new volume there is a risk of inability to effectively.