Lipstick: Compared To Men, This Is The Most Attractive Color

A hot first date, or a confrontation with the one we love we we had some heat for it doesn’t matter – of course the focus is on one thing: we want to look absolutely gorgeous and attractive. We introduced men with the clothes you like most in a woman. Now, we’re looking for a lipstick color that they can no man can resist. This estimate are in line with the stereotype completely because it’s not too hard actually. How many men claim that they always prefer a natural woman, says something quite different…a study in a newspaper article Daily

Lipstick: This is one of the most attractive men of color.

In the study, 50 men were asked to use or non different from photos of women with lipstick ratings. How much guys, that is the most beautiful vurgulasa naturalness of the results of the study also show something else: on average, 7.3 seconds for the test subjects looked at the women with red lipstick, pink lips in just 2.2 seconds is reached and no lipstick variant in 6.3 seconds. So, ladies, red lipsticks in your makeup bag, or based on equipping yourself with the tools, it’s time for Magic! By the way: red lipstick, it’s not practical to turn their heads not only for men! Many women stronger and more feminine feel. In no time, can’t keep a good color confidence, and this feature is incredibly attractive.

First of all, the skin should be smooth and soft, therefore it is strongly recommended Lip Peeling. You can do it yourself: sugar, some olive oil and honey and mix – and make your lips super soft and flexible for a natural toothpaste. It is important to use then the pen stroke. A precise application is available in these as appropriate so that the lipstick color is greatly facilitated. Fulfilling colorless lip pencils but also a main objective: Post-prevents back-flow of lipstick applied to the small wrinkles. In the end, just come in and all lipstick men turn their heads.