Little Kitchen Materials

Let’s strengthen our relationship with the material. As we disconnected from nature, we could not see how it grew up, the labor and miracle behind it.
Many fruits and vegetables cannot enter the market shelves due to their appearance. Their color, shape or size does not meet the standards of beauty and so they go to waste. Do not be stuck with external beauty, buy looking “ugly” fruit and vegetables from the producers’ markets.
Get the principle that comes first, eats first. Consume foods that are in your pantry or refrigerator without buying new ones. If you have made new purchases, put the old ones in the front of the cupboard, and even separate a separate shelf for only those items that you need to consume immediately.
Take care of stems and roots. Our elders know well how to use all sides of the material. Collect tips to evaluate leftovers the next day. If it still remains, compost it in the garden or kitchen instead of throwing it away. If it still does, give it to animal shelters.

Keep it right

It is very important to store food correctly in order to prevent waste. As Grundig, we not only raise awareness about food waste with Ruhun Doysun, but we also develop technologies for this. We use technologies that extend the life of food in refrigerators. Each one, in order not to waste food …

– First of all, get to know your refrigerator. Nowadays, different refrigerators can have different features and sections. It is useful to know which items should be kept in which drawer and where is the coldest place of the refrigerator.