Lose Weight, Get Rid of Diabetes


  • If the person’s blood sugar levels are not sufficient to diagnose diabetes against higher than normal, he is defined as prediabetes, i.e. secret diabetic. In short, it is possible to talk about prediyabet as a candidate status for type 2 diabetes.
  • Do you know that losing a few pounds can reduce the risk of diabetes?
  • A new study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine shows that making small changes to prediyabet patients’ lifestyles, diets and physical activity can reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by almost half.
  • The study found that making small lifestyle changes, including weight loss and increased physical activity over two years, reduced the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes in the prediyabet group by 40-47 percent. This important rate actually shows us that it is possible to prevent diabetes in prediyabet populations.
  • I would like to emphasize once again how great benefits it can provide for people at high risk of contracting Type 2 diabetes when a small weight loss is achieved through diet and physical activity changes. Always remember that it is possible to live a healthy life with diabetes awareness and precautions to be taken.


  • Exercise helps maintain blood sugar control. It accelerates the use of the nutrients taken by muscle tissues, during exercise the muscles use 20 times more glucose. Most studies show that the majority of individuals with Type 2 diabetes are slightly overweight or obese. Therefore, weight control is also provided in individuals who exercise regularly because fat tissue loss will occur due to energy expenditure. Aim for 150 minutes of exercise per week. Half-hour walks 4-5 days a week will make you feel better.