Magic Green Sauce

Friends, I hate to be predictable, but I’d like take this moment to say that THIS SAUCE RIGHT HERE is my favorite thing.

Even if it means telling the truth about all my favorites, I have to talk-type honestly about The Food Feelings.
To anyone who was concerned about my too many favorite things, your concerns are valid. I can almost promise you that I will probably have another **FAVORITE** thing starting in, like, two seconds when I do my next recipe post, but that’s kind of my job, right? To find all the food favorites and share them, like this one, which currently tops the list for the Recipes I Actually Make More Than Twice category.

I’ve already made this sauce an inappropriate number of times since it first came to life last week and I am not even going to tell you how many full mason jars I have of this in my fridge right now from a Magic Green Sauce Snapchat session frenzy with an excited Sage yesterday (okay fine 3).
Which reminds me, how surprisingly fun is SnapChat?! I was once a hater, so if you’re grumbling under your breath right now, I get it. I do get it.