Make Paella

Soak the saffron. This will release both color and aroma. Pop some saffron into a small bowl with hot water and set aside.
Sear the proteins. Heat up some olive oil in your paella pan over medium high heat and give your proteins a quick sear: the chicken goes in skin side down and the chorizo gets browned. Shrimp gets a quick toss in before being removed so it doesn’t over cook.
Sweat the aromatics. Add the onions, garlic, tomatoes, and paprika and cook, stirring, until soft and fragrant.
Add the liquids. Carefully add chicken stock and the saffron water and bring everything to a boil. Flip the chicken skin side up so it’s pretty.
Add the rice. Time to sprinkle in the rice! Try to add it in a thin, even layer and use a spoon to spread it out if you need to. Let everything come to a simmer and cook, uncovered until the rice absorbs almost all the liquid.
Add the seafood. Nestle in the clams and add the shrimp back on top.
Cook on low until the clams open up and the rice is al denote.
Socarrat time! Turn the heat up to high for 1-2 minutes to create a crispy toasty crunchy rice crust.
Rest and enjoy. Cover the paella with some foil and let rest for 5 minutes before enjoying.