Milky Cheese Plates

Mustafa Ali Yurdupak, United Nations Development Program Manager; “The United Nations Development Program Global Development Network countries develop policies to ensure sustainable development in 170 countries and regions, including Turkey, to lead, to form partnerships, contribute in areas such as institutional capacity building. One of the best examples of our work is the Future Tourism project, which has been going on for over 13 years. When we look at this project’s main objective is to expose Turkey’s tourism potential, increase employment, support the local development can be summarized as to contribute to the creation of sustainable models and ensure the development of local resources. In the works we carry out, we see tourism as an important tool in the context of local work and realization of global goals. We are happy to support the Kars Cheese Route project this year as well. I believe that it will be one of the best examples in the field of tourism with the contributions of you, stakeholders and local people. ” said

As the Ministry, we will implement the Kars Cheese Route Project in the most efficient way.
Attending the meeting, Beril Yamaner, official of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Investments and Enterprises, said, “Our main goal in the works we carry out as the Ministry is to carry out studies for the utilization of these potentials of areas with tourism potential. Thus, to diversify tourism activities and to increase income from tourism. One of the important works we carry out in this context is the Future is in Tourism Project. All of our projects we have been carrying out since 2007 continue with success. One of the three projects we have supported this year is the Kars Cheese Route project. Due to the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak, we also revised the scope of our projects. In this context, I believe that we will implement the Kars Cheese Route in the most efficient way ”.

Our aim is to introduce Kars Cheese to all masses and the world
Kars Governor Türker Öksüz, who attended the meeting; “I am happy that such a valuable project is being carried out in Kars. This is an important city in terms of history, culture, ethnic elements and Turkish agriculture and animal husbandry. At the same time, it is a city that has gained a good momentum in recent years with its tourism centers. Special attention must be paid to a city that hosts such richness. We also strive to do the necessary work in accordance with the potential of this city. As the Governorship, we try to focus our activities on tourism and animal husbandry, which shape the city’s economy. We ranks 5th in Turkey in animal husbandry. Considering this information, we conclude that milk and milk-based cheese production has a significant potential. Our city also emerges as an important city in the development of cheese making. Therefore, I would like to express that the Kars Cheese Route Project is very meaningful. Another project that will have an impact on tourism is our “Cheese Museum” project. We started working on bringing the museum to life. We are planning to complete it in 2.5 months. The Cheese Museum is also included in the Cheese Route Project. Our aim is to raise awareness and, on the other hand, try to make our country one of the important centers in cheese production by introducing our cheese to all masses and the world. We believe the project will be successful, ”he said.