Mint Simple Syrup

What we are dealing with here are deliciously decadent peppermint mochas made at home with about five simple ingredients in ten minutes or less. Featuring:

Unsweetened Chocolate
Homemade Mint Simple Syrup which will blow your mind with its ease of prep
Rich coffee or espresso
Whipped Cream + Candy Cane toppings bcz we’re divas
Simmer, shake, pour, top. That’s it.
In these days where we AREN’T driving to work or we want to stay home in our PJs instead of venturing out for the must-have coffee shop drink of the season, there is now a cozy 10-minute homemade alternative that can be prepped to our very own liking with no looks from the baristas.
This peppermint mocha should probably come with a warning: BEWARE. HABIT FORMING. NO TURNING BACK. But you knew that already, right? Ain’t nobody got time for warnings when there’s a peppermint mocha to be had.

Cozy up, grab a blanket and a book, and get your December on. Oooooh, it just gives me the happy chills!