Natural And Frequent How To A Ponytail?

In hot weather, our hair, we often need collecting. If the weather is muggy, open hair are difficult to complete on the day. We thought How can recover. Can be your Savior in heat, and also to make you look stylish yet practical in a ponytail… we came across the natural model, this model would you like to try?

  • Apply a protective spray to your hair clean and dry.
  • With the help of tongs and comb your hair your curls create.
  • After curling all your hair, from behind the thick glass that will form one of two thick taking a pinch of the horse tail you take.
  • You are taking it from behind your hair, 4 fingers above the back of your neck, will be in the form of a ponytail with a scrunchie collect.
  • Taking sides of your hair that you have one. While doing this, a thin wisp allow the front part of your hair loss.
  • Smooth the top of your hair, taking care not to pass through the tail of the horse in the back that you collect.
  • Your hair slightly bend, bringing to coincide with the help of bobby pins on your hair, you can collect attach.
  • Leave your hair down you smoked, ponytails should generate a whole.
  • Properly follow the same procedure with respect to the last hair of your top.
  • Second pinch as you did in the last position on the top strand of your hair you also that you have collected, and both enjoy a spacious and stylish ponytail that appear natural.
  • Gently twist and attach with the help of bobby pins. Are you ready for the day you and your hair.