Natural Sources Of Peptides That You Should Consume For Healthy Skin

  1. Milk


Milk is one of the most abundant sources of dietary peptides. The bioactive peptides contained in milk were the first food-derived peptides that were widely studied. Milk is rich in whey protein and casein. After digestion, both these components can be processed into a number of peptides that have antimicrobial and therapeutic benefits. Just be careful as dairy consumption can cause inflammation. Choose organic and grass-fed varieties as much as possible.


  1. Eggs


These are rich sources of dietary peptides. The peptides IRW and IQW have anti-inflammatory properties and also contain antioxidants.


  1. Soybean


Soybean and many other beans contain peptides that are associated with numerous health benefits. A study claims that soybean peptides have antioxidant and anti-fatigue properties. It also claims that soybean peptide can increase Type I collagen in your body .


  1. Fish And Meat


Fish, especially marine fish, is a rich source of essential peptides and proteins. The peptides in fish can prevent photoaging of the skin. The fish bones and skin are especially rich in collagen. Marine-derived collagen is mostly used in skin care products and is a very effective free radical scavenger

Even meat, such as pork, beef, and chicken, is a rich source of bioactive peptides

Nutrition is key to get healthy and glowing skin. Oral intake of peptides through food and supplements improves collagen synthesis and skin hydration levels and repairs your skin’s natural barrier.

However, apart from nutritional supplements, if you want to try peptide creams and skin products, we have got you covered.