Notice Creator 5 Practical Sauce Recipe

Home – Made Ketchup


Four hundred tomato gr

One garlic cloves

Two onion, finely chopped

Two tablespoons olive oil

Three tablespoons apple cider vinegar

Half tbsp red pepper paste

One tablespoons granulated sugar

One external cloves

One bay leaf pieces

Black pepper- salt



  1. Peel the onion and garlic and a blender and then let’s say 1 tablespoon buy a medium sized pot, along with granulated sugar and sotelemey start.
  2. Tomatoes stripped out by dividing it into 2 parts let a blender.
  3. Color-changing onion and garlic add the tomatoes and let it until cooked.
  4. Mash them in a mortar cloves, bay leaf and red pepper paste add the tomatoes along with, and then vinegar, olive oil, pepper and salt by adding until I started taking tomato juice Cook.
  5. Getting started to draw water from the mixture then remove the bay leaf the mixture to the blender after they are imported, smooth let’s do this until a thick consistency.
  6. Buy pot and then again the desired consistency have taken until.
  7. Cooked took out a jar of ketchup the temperature in the refrigerator after let preserve.


Home – Made Mayonnaise




  • Two egg yolk
  • Black pepper
  • Salt
  • Two teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1-1/5 cup of oil




  • Deep first put the egg yolks in a bowl start whisking.
  • Inside add lemon juice, add salt and pepper and clap!
  • Then slowly in liquid to be oil and put oil in it continue whisking while running.
  • Liquid after you have added all of the oil, eggs it will take consistency and will be frizzled.
  • Blend the garlic mayo we will be ready.
  • In the closet You can keep for 2 days.


Bechamel sauce



  • Fifty GR flour
  • Fifty gr butter
  • Eight hundred fifty milk gr
  • Nutmeg nutmeg-salt-pepper


Bechamel the sauce is done how?

  • Medium put the butter and let it melt in a pot that size .
  • Then add the flour and the smell is gone until I’m kavurali.
  • Flour on the one hand, while the pieces are roasted, the milk in another saucepan mix well .
  • Flour to burn gradually without changing the color of milk let continue to cook adding .
  • Light to kivamlaninc nutmeg,salt and let’s underline and black pepper.