Nutrients For Skin

Our gene structure, our hormones, external environmental conditions, maintenance, and nutrition. All of the factors that affect the beauty of the skin have different importance in itself. To beautify our skin care and feeding of the factors we can control it is part of our routine. We also pay more attention for our summer skin nutrients to your diet by telling them this, the more we wanted to let you know what you can achieve beautiful skin.

Capture the beauty for skin with vitamin C containing foods!

Vitamin C is one of the important vitamins for our skin! Vitamin C is found in many of the brand’s product range, but we primarily since it is necessary for your body, we recommend that you take natural ways. Foods that contain vitamin C for skin comes at the beginning of red pepper. Red pepper contains covers a large portion of the daily vitamin C requirement while-carotene and vitamin B6 increases the benefits.

Nutrients For Skin – Coconut Oil Trend 2021

Coconut oil skin and beauty is the trend this year in our country especially, the effect of which is on everyone’s lips. Coconut oil which is very rich in saturated fatty acids, especially very effective against acne with its antibacterial properties. At the same time with essential oils helps retain the skin’s moisture contained special. Skin rich in vitamin E which is important for the types of vitamins one of which is coconut oil, really helps to have a soft and moisturized skin. In the production of many brands of coconut oil You can find many products in Turkey by applying it alone or mix it with oil you can use. In terms of especially the hair, the biggest use in recent years by the mask directly to the hair trend.

The miracle of salmon skin against wrinkles!

Salmon benefits of fish species is one that doesn’t count. A miraculous effect against wrinkles in the skin when it comes to our skin like salmon, omega-3 fatty acids at the same time offers the possibility to fight with acne. The salmon, which has a large role in the moisture of the skin, retaining moisture in the skin and hair against breakage, drying food is especially important because it is one of the species.

Wanna want to do for dinner that you can consume spinach in a smoothie!

Especially in terms of the types of minerals and vitamins that are included spinach, and a very beneficial food for our body is our skin. Minerals, iron, magnesium, folate contain and especially a, C and E are rich in vitamin C, an essential nutrient for the fact that our skin is more than enough for you to be. If you do not like to consume the spinach dish, squeezing with different vegetables you can consume it as a smoothie. In our opinion, to make sure it’s in your eating routine.

While consuming as a smoothie, especially if you add a bit of spinach and red fruit has a bitter taste it is intended to be.