Oatmeal Pecan Cookie

The best idea ever? Putting these warm cookies in my mouth and calling it dinner. Excellent.
Just thought I would share my good ideas with you. Yea… I’m kind of a show off.
Oatmeal Pecan Chocolate Chip Cookies
I’m full of all sorts of good ideas.
Like… the good idea I had to cream two stick of butter with two cups of sugar.
Like… the good idea I had to add eggs and vanilla extract.
Like the awesome idea I had to add oats and flour and spices.
And chocolate. That was totally a good idea.
Putting chunks of dough in the oven? Also a great idea.
Yea… I was on a good idea roll.
The best idea ever? Putting these warm cookies in my mouth and calling it dinner. Excellent.
Just thought I would share my good ideas with you. Yea… I’m kind of a show off.