Oil And Salt Balance

There is of course math behind creating a new food. It should pay attention to its taste, texture and visuality. Acid, oil, salt and sweet ratios must be balanced. Many experienced cooks know that; The secret to a delicious meal is not in complex recipes, but in a few ingredients correctly combined.

For good flavor marriages, the chemical composition of the ingredients works well. The tomato and strawberry duo is a good example. They go well together because they both contain a compound called “eugenol”. The more specific combinations are those that share the same geography or season. Tomato-basil; thyme-lamb; As in the examples of anchovy-cornmeal.

Making a difference with familiar flavors, cheese in the refrigerator, spices in the pantry, lemon in the fridge… Are you ready to push the boundaries by putting aside prejudices without forgetting the mathematics of the job? Let’s start with broccoli.

Broccoli and Pistachio

Salty ingredients suit broccoli. For this reason, broccoli can be mentioned with salty fish in Italian cuisine, cheese in England, and soy sauce in Far East cuisine. For a lush meal, cut the broccoli into trees with its stems, drizzle olive oil on them and cook a little in the oven. In the chopper, turn the peanuts with a clove of crushed garlic, fresh basil leaves and olive oil. Mix it with the broccoli you have cooked. Add the fresh curd cheese and crumble raw pistachios.