Only One Word : Beauty

Opt for noncomedogenic products

Noncomedogenic is a label you’ve probably seen quite a lot on skin care products.

Sometimes it goes by the name of oil-free, non-acnegenic, or simply “won’t clog pores.” Every product used on acne-prone areas should have the labels “oil-free, noncomedogenic.”

You’d think any products labeled with this would only help acne-prone skin, right? Unfortunately not.

It’s best to check the full ingredients list before using. Avoid anything that contains potential irritants, like alcohol or fragrance.

Review your hair care routine

Hair care formulas — from shampoos and conditioners to generic styling products — can cause breakouts in areas like the forehead and neck.

Try to avoid any products containing oils. If you suspect your hair routine is your acne culprit, switch it up to see if there’s any improvement.

Oil in the hair itself can also transfer onto the skin. Try to keep your hair off your face as much as possible, especially at nighttime.

Stay hydrated

Keeping skin hydrated may help combat the excess oil that leads to acne. However, there’s limited research to back this up.

Still, there’s no harm in sticking to the 8×8 rule (drinking eight 8-ounce glasses a day).