Open New Fields In The House

To change the location of our rooms always, has the idea of conversion in mind. Change is good. Actually there are simple solutions for this. We want to make big changes in the house “when there are walls between rooms,” we don’t seem to hear what you said. In the room is able to create a living space which is actually two different.

Our houses were divided into separate sections that gives excellent in each room a purpose. However, the forms and limits of movement within the area and the people living in this partitioning. Break the walls before you can create a different perception in the field with simple solutions without much modification. Moreover, you can do them with your furniture. What do you want to know furniture that you can use?

Open Libraries

Open Libraries; the perfect option because it’s a symbolic separation from the area taking on the task of completely closing it. Public Library the field without obstructing the simplest way to pane. Create some privacy for your home or office or a more intimate feeling in the dining area fold. This style in the dining room and start trying!

Footnote: put against the wishes of filling every inch of the shelves of the library. This Allocation Model, use the “storage” area a lot from “love the objects of the exhibition space”.

Furniture Arrangements

Just like a good suit, a compilation of fine detail in your room. Like the outfit, also a good; sometimes you may need to try every combination to get the best of her. Do you want to create a feeling of open space? Furniture Row by matching to create a transition between two spaces without obstructing sight lines.

The seat of life, when you are looking at the field, the console defines the dining area. It is a great idea because of the match the style seat console and split separated by a sharp line of furniture blocks. Furniture in the living area allows it to be freely exhibited.

Modular Seats

A modular chair into the corner and then getting on this chair you can start planning the rest of the room. It will make a very good impression of probably the most homes in this style!

To place or seat modular strange as it may seem at first close to the middle of the room. However, it really is a good opportunity to highlight the focal point of an area. Of course, if you have a large hall or a living room; this combination gives excellent results.

Rugs and carpets in different styles

Furniture ideas for room partition may not be always the right solution. Many of us live in houses with large areas we don’t. Carpets, without running out of the space we have is a nice way to create different living spaces.

The visual contrast between the rugs, how clear visual field is divided in a subtle way that will give us a clue. Think of it as a framework carpets. Inconspicuously can define each area. Two side by side in different ways, use color or carpet; home of the space helps in creating a unique way without creating blocks.