Other Side Of Haircare : The Masks

Best Hair Care Mask Recipes at Home

For hair care mask recipes that you can make at home and are natural, you should know this. These hair mask recipes are suitable for any hair type, whether long or short hair, straight or curly hair. It will manage to keep your hair healthy and shiny. Remember that the outer layer of hair produces oil to stay moist and healthy. Damage to this layer does not only make the hair look dry, but also causes wear and tear and other problems. You can have dizzying plump and shiny hair by regularizing the application of hair care treatments at home.

Honey Olive Oil Hair Care Mask Recipe

Hair bonnet


Olive oil

One egg white

The food that the egg will provide to the hair will shine in a few minutes.

Making Hair Care Mask

Mix 1 egg white with some honey and a tablespoon of olive oil. Whisk this mixture to form a paste. Then, wet your hair slightly and apply it to the moist scalp. Then put on a cap and leave for half an hour to clean your hair with cold water, shampoo and rinse.

You should also know that if you do not have a hair mask, you do not have to use a mask. However, the mask will be very useful in maintaining the heat of the hair and penetrating the hair in a healthy way.

Home Almond Oil Hair Care Mask Recipe

Ingredients List

Almond oil



Hair bonnet

How to Make a Hair Care Mask

Take 2 eggs and keep whisking until foaming occurs. After foaming, mix 2 tablespoons of almond oil and half a glass of yogurt into the egg. Apply this mixture to the skin of your hair, put on a bone and let it sit for half an hour. Before washing with shampoo after the stage, clean it with cold water and wash and rinse.

Best Hair Care Mask Recipes at Home

Coconut oil hair care mask

Floor coconut oil


Hair bonnet

Hair care mask with curry leaves

Curry leaf

Solid coconut coconut oil

Hair care mask with mayonnaise


Hair bonnet


Apple cider vinegar hair care mask

Apple cider vinegar



Honey hair care mask



Hair care with coconut oil and Aloe vera gel

Coconut oil

Aloe vera gel


Yogurt hair care mask




Hair care masks that you can make at home will give positive results as they are healthy. With regular use, you can have healthier and shinier hair. The other homemade best hair care mask recipes above are the same. It is enough to keep the honey hair care mask in your hair for 15 minutes. Leave the other recipes for half an hour and then wash your hair with cold water, shampoo it and rinse well.