Our Relationship With Bread

Today, one of the most discussed topics about food is bread. Should we eat yesek or not; how much we eat Which one do we eat? All question marks. We know the gluten in it is not very good for us, but how harmful is it harmful to everyone? What should be the flour type and yeast used? Today, especially in big cities, people think about these when eating bread.
We are the most bread consuming country in the world. We eat 104 kilograms of bread per person per year! Bulgaria is next to us and this number is 95 kilos; 52 kilos in much lower Italy. We cannot imagine a kitchen without bread. We do not consider ourselves to have eaten without bread. Bread is eaten for breakfast, bread for sandwiches, bread in soup, bread even with rice. Of course, a life without bread cannot be imagined not only in our country but also in many cultures of the world. What we call bread can be tortilla in South America, chapati in India, and drumstick in France.

Once making bread was a time-consuming and costly business. Growing wheat, harvesting, grinding, making the bread, baking… All of them required great labor. Today, bread is everywhere, whenever we want, even when we don’t. On the one hand, there are tables conquered by industrial bread, on the other hand, the number of people making bread at home is increasing. In cities, there are people who grind their own flour and feed their sourdough.