Pale, Dry Lips Honey Mask Recipe

Skin care is one of the most important factors that affect your beauty. To have more smooth and shiny lips, undoubtedly every woman’s dream, but sometimes it can be more different results. Women generally pale and dry lips is a problem that can be seen in on a regular basis, the failure to lip care, according to the weather conditions at the same time, this problem may occur. Many products are sold more healthy and shiny lip care for lips, but in a natural way and simply with a honey mask that you can easily prepare at home you can get rid Pale View.

When you regularly use the honey mask for your lips, he survived faded from view after a while, you may notice appear brighter and more colorful than before. Honey mask benefits for your lips, simply let me explain, pale honey mask eliminates the appearance and the color of your lips.

It contains almond oil and honey at the same time, thanks to provides healthy by nourishing your lips. So, without further ado, let’s move on to dry lips pale and honey mask recipe we prepare for you.

Colorizes and honey mask hydrate your lips

Ingredients; olive oil (1 teaspoon), honey (1 teaspoon),

Preparation; materials ready to start with honey and almond oil mix and apply to your lips. Apply the mixture and let it sit for about 15 to 20 minutes. After applying this mixture, if you wish your lips sugar, you can take lightly, this process is located in the lip area, will be to remove the Dead Cells.