Pantry Layout In 6 Steps

Pantry layout is important for all of us. Steal some ideas from the layout of the grocery shelves before you start arranging. These can be helpful.

for order ın the pantry sort by type

First, sort by types. While preparing your shopping list, you can look at the cupboard shelves and see what is missing so that you can see more easily and do not create a space problem.

Set lımıts ın the pantry set aside some space in your closet for each item and stick to it. If you have reserved room for 10 packs of soup, do not create a jam in this area by buying more. The purpose of stocking in your closet is to fill the empty spaces, not to fill up and create jams.

Get a good look shallow shelves provide an overview. If your shelf is deep, place the tall jars or boxes towards the back so you can easily see everything behind. Sorting from high to low makes your job easier.

Check the capacıty select the containers in which you will put your supplies in accordance with the size of the package you receive, make sure that they are transparent and quality storage containers with visible inside. For example, if you buy 2 pound of rice, you can pour it all into the container so that you do not have to store opened packages in your fridge.

Place ın the extra space ıf you have purchased more items than your pantry’s capacity, don’t bother to squeeze the excess into the closet, keep them in a box. As your closet empties, put the box in the closet. Make sure to check how much space you have in your closet before you go shopping.

Rotate the stock after each purchase for the pantry layout, move the old supplies to the front and place the new ones on the back. Thus, you can sort them according to the dates of use. You do not forget the old ones behind and do not spend their usage dates.