Party Time Idea

I make a lot of notes when I cook stuff for the blog. Helpful things like, needs five more minutes in the oven, or definitely could use browning before braising. But sometimes, my notes aren’t really coherent. Like this time around, when I went to look at the notes for these individual seven layer dips, I opened the file with the recipe and found in the notes: DFC.I know the DFC isn’t a typo because I don’t actually use capitals, ever, except on the blog. So, naturally, I turned to Mike to see what he thought.To be honest I never actually figured it out, but down to cook sounds good to me. I’m definitely down for these seven layer dips, especially when I have no idea what to bring to one of those potluck type bbq parties that happen so often in the summer. I don’t really like bringing dessert because everyone likes to bring dessert and ever since that one time that I tried to deep-fry spring rolls on someone’s unreliable stove, I’ve shied away from that too.So, the answer my friend, to what to bring to potlucks is this: seven layer dip, individualized! I love that it’s not a giant platter of dip so you know that there’s no communal double dipping action going on. With these individual guys you can dip as many times as you want. And, you can customize them too.