Pay Attention To These While Buying Combi Boilers!

There are three types of boilers: chimney, hermetic and condensing. So how do you choose the right combi boiler for your home? What should you pay attention to when buying a boiler?

  • There are three important criteria in the selection of the combi boiler. The square meter of the house, its direction and the floor. But the fact that the radiators heat the house, not the boiler, should be taken into account.
  • Therefore, proper radiators should be chosen so that the radiator can be heated with the thermal value taken from the combi. 17 thousand kilocalorie combi boilers are considered appropriate for an area of 80-90 square meters, 20 thousand kilocalorie combi boilers for an area of 90-150 square meters, and 24 thousand to 6 thousand kilocalories for places above 150 square meters.
  • COMBI DICTIONARY Chimney boiler: o Chimney combi boilers; They take the necessary oxygen from the environment during the combustion and discharge the waste gases formed at the end of the combustion through a suitable chimney. Here, it is very important that the chimneys are made in accordance with the standards and that they are sealed.

Hermetic combi boiler:

  • In hermetic combi boilers, the air required for combustion is taken from the outside atmosphere with a fan kit and the waste gas generated as a result of burning is thrown into the atmosphere with the same system. Since ambient air is not used during combustion, there is no need to ventilate the environment.

Condensing boiler:

  • With the turbo exchanger system, the waste gas temperature is reduced and the energy of the water vapor generated as a result of the combustion is recovered to the system. While the efficiency obtained from normal combi boilers is between 80-90%, it is between 105 and 109% in condensing combi boilers.
  • Boiler breakdowns may be caused by reasons such as failure to do maintenance on time, external factors or wear of parts due to heavy use, as well as installation and user errors.
  • Installation errors directly affect the combi boilers operating as a part of your installation. Such faults usually occur due to installation leaks, wrong plastic pipe welding, narrowing of the pipe diameter as a result of incorrect application, and not using quality radiator valves. However, it is difficult to detect deficiencies in flush mounted installations. For this reason, the source of the circulation and therefore heating problem caused by the installation errors is usually the combi boiler.
  • If the on / off switch of the combi remains on during power cuts, it may cause your combi to malfunction due to voltage fluctuations that may occur when the electricity is switched on again.
  • For this, in case of power failure, if you are near your boiler, it is a good precaution to turn the on / off switch to the “off” position and turn it back on after a while. Voltage fluctuations can damage electrical and electronic parts on the device, causing costly problems.
  • Voltage regulators should be used to protect all electrical equipment in areas where such voltage fluctuations occur frequently or are suspected. Not all voltage regulators provide healthy protection. Regulators that will provide protection at low voltages should be preferred.