Perfect Smooth Noodles

Traditionally khao soi is made with fresh chewy Chinese egg noodles. You can find these egg noodles in the refrigerated aisle in the Asian grocery store. You can also use: chow mein noodles, dry egg noodles, instant ramen noodles, fresh ramen noodles, or even just spaghetti if that’s what you have.

Can I make khao soi without noodles?
You can totally make this without noodles. Technically it won’t be khao soi, but it will still be a very tasty coconut curry chicken soup. Add some root vegetables, leafy greens, or tofu to bulk it up and if you’re doing keto, use shirataki noodles for a keto khao soi.
Love Aroy-D Thai red curry paste – it has a pretty simple ingredients list: chilis, garlic, lemongrass, shallots, salt, galangal, makrut lime, coriander, and cumin. Pretty much like what I would put into a curry paste if I were to be making it myself. Also incredibly popular is Mae Ploy brand.