Porcelain What Is Makeup? What Are The Characteristics?

Porcelain makeup has started to become fashionable in recent years. Instead of running all night with this makeup, makeup has become generally preferred by women who have come to be fixed. When we went to the rehearsal to the hairdressers “makeup is porcelain? Normal is makeup? ” he’s a question we frequently meet with. What is this porcelain makeup? How is it done? Really beautiful and so effective that they suggest?

Porcelain makeup professional, are made by people who receive special training on this subject. We are going through a process of training to be able to do this makeup. In the construction of porcelain makeup requires diligence, he doesn’t think even the slightest mistake, and difficult to undo because it was a system should be done by professional people. Materials are separate and private. Cosmetic products are made with special. Makeup is slightly different than the normal price range.

For those who prefer this makeup, as mentioned above are the bride. Makeup it is preferred to stay in fixed property. Bride screen out the candidates are facing with your foundation or face makeup that normal people also prefer the scars that won’t heal. At night a makeup type. It is not recommended to be done in the daytime.

The most important feature of porcelain makeup 42 hours and withstand the heat from the water is not affected. If uygulattiy porcelain makeup on your face, your makeup will not flow any sweating also. Remain constant as it is applied first, to choose the makeup that is another feature.

Porcelain makeup is mentioned in mind when heavy makeup is a type of prejudice that may be. In fact, he didn’t have the feeling of makeup on your face a porcelain makeup the purpose is to give. With this natural facial makeup for the cessation of your lines is provided. The main purpose is to provide smoothness to your skin porcelain makeup. All these applications are detailed with smooth makeup is done.


Porcelain skin before makeup, you must clean it very well. Facial peeling is done for removal of dead skin on your face. Facial hair removal, eyebrows must be shaped.


After cleaning your face in the process as it is every makeup face nicely moistened. After the hydration process, the makeup of the face by using some of the unevenness is corrected. What is some of the makeup in previous articles we have shared and how it is used. You can examine.

Now Foundation the riding process. Make sure you have your choice of foundation for your skin tone. Liquid product will facilitate the process of selecting. If you have a problem like under eye circles, concealer detention remember to use. You can prevent certain places on your face concealer by using a brighter appearance.


After you finish foundation and concealer riding additionally, powdered his face in the process. In pudran to be in your skin tone of your choice, Matt and isiltisiz make sure you have. Powder application only no face, décolleté, neck and your ears , too applies.

One other feature of porcelain makeup to your face to draw attention to the area you want to focus on. If you want your eyesif you want your lips to a focused application.

In other preferred in the construction of the shaping process lashes makeup eyelash of course, in your makeup porcelain is preferred. Natural looking false eyelashes and apply mascara on your makeup complement you by choosing with the process that you will have fuller and longer looking lashes.


Blush prefer to use in the selection of natural colors. If your lip color is dark or if heavy on the eye makeup, the blush you apply should be light. The proportion is very important in makeup. You should balance out the tones. The same transaction lipstick applies to your choice. In which Region your lipstick more makeup according to him, the light you should use.

Makeup makeup is the most important feature of porcelain squeeze the stabilizer to fix it. This increases the durability of your makeup with a spray. Finally, spray the stabilizer by squeezing your makeup is complete.