Powerful Antibiotic: Garlic

When you get sick, the first chicken broth soup is made. Soup is preferred because it not only warms us up, but is also an anti-inflammatory. When you sweeten the soup with garlic to the chicken broth, you also add the germicidal properties of garlic. In some cultures, garlic tea is also believed to be healing.

Black pepper

Black pepper oil is good for many ailments, from aching muscles after exercise to runny nose. You can make black pepper tea to relieve cough. Mix 1 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper with 2 tablespoons of honey. Add boiling water and steep for 15 minutes. Sip it slowly after straining.


Turmeric, which has been declared a panacea in recent years, is actually a proven material for thousands of years. The most striking feature of turmeric is that it has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. You can make turmeric tea or mix it with boiled water and make a mist solution.