Practical Personal Care

Just dress up, bathe in, you can’t be well groomed and doing makeup. You need to pay attention to some details. Note that there is beauty in the details.

You need some treatments that you can perform yourself so you can practice at home. Can provide solutions for some problems without spending much money. For example, you can sink into the icy water for dark circles around the eye that you can keep a piece of cotton on your eyelids. Although this method provides regularly with the implementation effect, temporarily, a more long-term effect can achieve.


Nail Polish on your beautiful hands and well-groomed is an important element to make it look. However, we won’t get much time to paint your nails in a flurry of activity daily, quick drying nail Polish we have a Polish, or we prefer not to introduce. However, practical information, such as iced or soak in cold water, dry faster than Polish your nails will make our job easier. Rub the lemon on nails nails nail Polish will help to strengthen your nails while also. However, if your nails break easily, and if it is dry and peeling, mixed with sesame oil or olive oil on your nails in lemon juice and leave for 10 minutes and then rinse. To practice this process at least 3 times per week notice.

Skin care also should not be neglected. Regularly clean makeup if your skin is not the health of the skin, look good, and for the future is an issue that should be considered. For this, you can easily prepare even the peeling of your skin. Wash face, your product, your cleaner or by rubbing the skin gently and rinse with sugar, the amount you put into the same process you can apply on your body. You can apply this process 1 or 2 times per week. Then you wipe it with 1 cup of drip 2-3 drops of lavender into the skin. In this way, the relief of the skin to the revival and you can help.

You may have dryness in your hair and your hair mask is ready for inertness to prepare a mask if you are unable to afford to buy at home, you can maintain. It is one of the practical hair masks; you can feed your hair with just olive oil. Ilittig you slightly of olive oil half a cup of cotton to the ends of your hair and massage roots with the help of a hair bonnet sleep this way by and then if possible, or hold the hair at 3-4 hours, notice that during this process, the better effects you can get by wrapping your hair with a hot towel, and apply this process twice a week.

You bring the olive oil to the eye area and the skin nemlendirebi you can apply it on your face.


Another practical method; 1 large avocado 3 tablespoons of honey into the mixture, put the ends of your hair and rinse again to the roots, leave for 1-2 hours-wash your hair, these masks also can be applied 2-3 times per week.

Many cloves you can use for scalp problems that can live in your hair. The two get close to a handful of cloves 2 cups of water and boil over low heat for about 10 minutes and the liquid obtained, if possible pour it into a spray bottle, but before emptying drain. By concentrating on the roots of your hair with this mixture and let it stand in the way towards the end, tighten, do not wash their hair. Clove juiceis good for dandruff of the scalp will help to gurlesmes your hair like that. 


Different ways you can do this process. Two cups of warm water, put the cloves into a glass jar for a day again close the lid tightly, and the sun doesn’t shine let it sit in a dark place, and then removing the water by the hair at least 3-4 times per week, you can apply them. Once a week, you must prepare the mixture fresh. This is also a fragrant maintenance will help you to do your hair.


Best maintenance you have made your soul it is the care, love yourself, you’ll be happy if you look better, it will affect your outer appearance of happiness and love. For this reason, do not forget to make yourself happy.