Practical Solutions For Small Homes

If you have a small house, you have to think big! The furniture fit, freedom of movement and a relaxed atmosphere that allows you to construct, in doing so you need to slim. Follow the clues to facilitate this process with Spot Shot selection.

The Concept Of The Fast Life

Since it was a small house, you must have a high tempo rhythm, sure practical, truncated life a burden, isn’t it? The furniture in this case should be as practical as you are. Into pieces, modular designs, lightweight materials is ideal for you. You should make choices both cool and functional. Dresuar depth and breadth of the less used as a multi-purpose cabinets, headboards, shelves, box beds, sofa, get underneath and space-saving C-coffee tables, bookcases overlapping shelves and shrinking, folding chairs, minimal lifestyle fixtures.

Is it just a couch? Yes.

Start from the living area. In this section of the house one, do you have to eat it on the couch? It is no problem. The place is wall-to-wall that will fill your plain and straight-legged model is ideal. You have to be a purist when it comes to flooring. Two colored and patterned fabrics, the environment, the crowd always shows. The colors of the rug you can keep. A carpet lay out substantially the same as the width of the seat. Is smaller. The small sizes of stuff in the middle of the carpet, the floor collapses. Berjer have no place to, but much more bulky chairs are cool and comfortable. Design your seat in a contrasting color to the front, leather or mesh puff.

The Most Beautiful Decoration From Nature

The most beautiful decorative plants aren’t they? The environment may also bring relief to both give life and if you say you can play big. Tall, immediately changes the mood of the house a potted plant, not unlike the layers strengthens. But an important tip; leaves are small plants with broad leaves rather crowded and doesn’t look that complicated so you must choose.

Musical Chairs

The window sill at the front of the corridor, into the spaces blind spots… need to find an effective formula at each point in a small house. If the landscape is beautiful with a mattress and some throw pillows from Cedar in front of the window wouldn’t it be great to create your living space? Speaking of Cedar, gold boxes and baskets for small storage spaces, placing and let me remind you that you can create. This simple design, small blunt lines and flat feet through for homes savior. Unused, small corner in the magazines spread. Pouring on top of the same size and you could use it as a coffee table magazines.

Hidden Limits

The distance between sections in the three step house, your stuff is more likely to stay together. A dining table, a nightstand, kitchen countertops dresuar can become. You could avoid this mess by separating the fields from each other. When you separate, we’re not talking about pulling the wall or curtain, of course. The easiest method is to use the carpet. A carpet covering the dining room table and chairs, dining determines the boundaries of the section. In American kitchens, kitchens with paint the wall a different color, you can frame. Another key point lighting. A stalactite above the table, berjer floor lamp next to you can do by using local lighting. Thus, the character of the area with light a simple design, you’ll be stressed.