Pre Baked Pies

My plan for this story was to visit some of the restaurants from my childhood neighborhood of Carroll Gardens that I had been fondest of and include one of them in this guide. It didn’t go well. The ones that weren’t unexpectedly closed despite their posted hours of operation (unacceptable) were so thoroughly disappointing that I couldn’t bring myself to list them here. Nostalgia alone is not a reason to recommend something.

And, old-time Carroll Gardens restaurants, I’m putting you on notice. It’s real hard to make a case for what a shame it is for a neighborhood to lose its flavor when the flavor of its food is so half-assed and mediocre. You have to at least bring your B+ game. Shape up, or you’ll be sleepin’ with the fishes…and ya won’t be missed. Capiche?

So instead, Serious Eats Visual Director (and native Brooklynite) Vicky Wasik drove me to one of her family’s longtime favorites, Frost, on the Williamsburg–Greenpoint border. The place itself is one large, square room, surprisingly full for early on a Tuesday night, and with a casual vibe despite the tablecloths.