Professional Online Squad

Some of the most famous members of the global culinary community who left their mark during the S.Pellegrino Young Chef competition will have the opportunity to share their valuable expertise within the Academy and transfer their personal experiences to the next generation chefs. Well-known chefs such as Enrico Bartolini, Manu Buffara, Mauro Colagreco, Gavin Kaysen, and experts in their field such as Fine Dining Lovers magazine editor Ryan King are some of the first names to join the Academy. These experts in their field will work with S.Pellegrino to enrich the training program and create special event calendars consisting of webinars, interviews and sessions. The S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy will be included in the event calendar on the website.

S.Pellegrino Junior Chef Academy is also supported by prestigious stakeholders such as Google and Facebook. Stakeholders will expand the scope of the Young Chef Academy by dealing with innovation, inclusiveness, communication and similar issues by contributing to academic competitions. Can Emci said, “We are extremely happy that this platform, which we have supported the participation of young chefs from our country, has turned into an academy. In addition to being a world-class community of master chefs, the academy is an important step towards shaping the future of the gastronomy industry. Thanks to the academy, it will also be possible to discover new talents and make it easier for chefs to communicate with each other. We are also very pleased to take part in this academy with valuable and mentors young chefs from Turkey. ” said.