Protection From Blue Light Damage

Many of us throughout the day was at the beginning of the screen you can consider whether you should use sunscreen every day during this period. But in the context of some substances which are sun protection, protects the skin from blue light did you know that? We watched a series of online meetings and how we can minimize the negative effects of our skin?

1 – the importance of sunscreen

Dermatologists in our country and abroad underlines the importance of using sun protection cream every day. If you are going to get out of but if you can consider whether you should apply sunscreen on your skin. But according to experts, the blue light that we received when we were 15 minutes in the sunlight, with a rate of the amount of light we receive when we spend 1 hour under an LED light is the same. From the sun’s UVA/UVB rays, in addition to also digital screens on your skin redness, swelling and inequality emits rays which can cause tons of HEV. Inequalities and wrinkled skin tone one of the most important factors of the formation of blue light emitted by the screen, which is indispensable in the modern world, from the harmful UV rays of the sun penetrate deeper and more permanent damage leaves.

2 – the new threat HEV Rays

Your skin against UVA/UVB rays in addition to anti-aging properties that protects your skin against HEV rays with a sunscreen formulated with ingredients such as Indian ginseng, which is content you can minimize damage to your skin with protective creams. Also known as Withania somnifera, Indian ginseng with your skin and can protect you from HEV rays emitted by the blue screen and revitalize your skin and at the same time can strengthen the barrier of protection against external factors.

3 – ways to protect delicate around the eye from blue light

According to research, Blue Light is one of the most important factors which cause premature aging of our skin. We are exposed to blue light, especially at night, our skin under normal conditions of refresh yourself at this time, thinking it’s daytime causes. Especially for thin and delicate skin around your eyes with this technology, developed in order to protect from light blue, light blue, you can take advantage of breaking glasses.

4 – Ton farewell to inequalities

Melasma, hyperpigmentation effects such as the blue light as a priority in order to minimize damage to your skin by reducing the brightness of your screen, you can start using your headset and phone calls.

5 – no fine wrinkles

By accelerating the production of collagen in the skin by reducing the formation of fine wrinkles, to the detriment of blue light, especially in the days that we spent too much time in front of the screen, remember to deeply hydrate skin.