Protein And Fats

Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins and minerals are essential organic components of healthy life. Drawing attention to the role of vitamins and minerals in preventing chronic diseases, Pharmacist Ayşen Dincer underlines that in cases where we cannot add enough vegetables and fruits, fiber-rich foods, protein-rich foods, milk and dairy products to our daily diet, we must take multivitamin and meet our vitamin and mineral needs. components are called macro and micronutrients. Macro nutrients are calories, carbohydrates, protein and fats. Vitamins and minerals that do not contain calories, cannot be synthesized in our body except for vitamin D, and must be taken with natural nutrition or nutritional supplements are called micronutrients. Vitamins and minerals play an important role in the basis of the nerve-muscle-bone system, in the continuity of the visual process, in the strengthening of blood production and the immune system, in the transformation of macronutrients into energy, in the formation of skin, hair and nail tissue, in the cleansing of all toxins in the body and protection from chronic diseases. . For this reason, it is very important to meet our daily vitamin and mineral needs.

Turkey Nutrition Guide, 3 servings of fresh vegetables and 2 servings of fresh fruit a day for good health recommend consumption. Turkey Nutrition and Health Survey results to society by serving up only 45 percent of vegetables per day 1, while underlining that consume up to half servings of fruit Pharm. Ayşen Dincer points out that this is why many of us cannot get the vitamins and minerals we need daily. Dincer recommends taking multivitamins in cases where we cannot add vegetables and fruits, fiber-rich foods, protein-rich foods, milk and dairy products to our daily diet.